Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Seeing Pink - This building is  understandably referred to as the ‘Pink Palace’.  I've 

heard it also called the Presidential Palace and the old Camara.  Either way it looks Barbie's Mansion.

Over by the water there is a garden path that leads to Flostel - the best pizza/schwarma joint on the island.  

The next picture is the Avenue with the Camara.  This  block is the Mindelo equivalent of Fifth Ave.  Very upscale little boutiques and stores.  Cafe Mindelo complements the sentiment by serving as a very Euro and cute restaurant on the corner.   

The picture of the waterfront is the closest equivalent of the port looking in that I could get.  

As we continue the tour I'd like to remind passengers to keep all hands and heads inside the vehicle. 

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