Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May 16th - FESTA DE CERVEJA - not joking at all.

Work has been very busy. Generally in the morning I've been running around to the secondary schools to try to observe our student teachers. It's a race against the clock because in a few weeks exams and national tests will be given. It's also quite a task to coordinate which schools to go to and when. I've really enjoyed having the opportunity to visit all the S.Vicente high schools and see the students in action.

Classes are still going well and keeping me busy in the afternoon and some evenings. The semester is flying by and whereas so far I've been able to keep everything working, sometimes I get worried at how much is coming up as the end of the semester gets closer and closer.

Today there was a celebration of the local radio so there was a concert down by the beach. Afterwards, I went to a "beer fest" fundraiser that my students arranged. It was really nice to get to just pal around with my students. It was really laid-back and fun. I've never seen the different years together, so it was nice in it's somewhat randomness. Although I thoroughly enjoy my students, when I go out at night I generally try to avoid going out with students. I know some volunteers, esp. at the university level, become good friends with their students, but I'm still trying to figure out where I want to draw the professional line. I do meet a few of my students for language exchange, and have seen some of them out, but I'm trying to keep it PC.

On Sunday I finally went on another hike. This time we went out to Calhou and climbed the craters. It was probably the steepest climb we've done so far, and there were a few points where I had to tell myself "don't look down, don't loook down", but getting to the top was worth it. Afterwards I met up with a co-worker or two at the beach and hung out with them and their kids. I figure getting out and doing things is important. Generally it's just work during the week, so I'm trying to take advantage of the weekends to meet up with people and explore the island.

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