Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My sodade list is ever growing.  I finally broke down and took out the IPOD.  As much as I love music, every song that I like reminds me of a person or time, so sometimes it makes me feel a bit homesick.  It's weird to think about all the music at home that I'll miss.  On a random side note, I feel like you can tell a lot about a person based on their music taste.  Not that it has to be identical or even similar to your own.  Where would the fun be in that?  There is one volunteer in particular, I'd love to see his music.  He seems really passionate about music and I have a feeling it would be a lot of bands or music that I'm currently unaware of. That's always slightly intimidating.  To admit that you don't know crap about something, but it's also fun to learn something new.  

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